Pre & Post Procedure Care

Better patient experience/outcomes, less staff, strong ROI
Automated clinical conversations via text powered by evidence-based AI deliver impressive results:
Reduction in Readmissions
(Cardio Surgery)
Increase in Completed Procedures (Colonoscopy)
Reduction in Poor Prep (Colonoscopy)
Reduction in Follow-Up Appointments (ERAS/Orthopedic Surgery)
NPS score.
High Patient Satisfaction Across All Ages
Fewer Care Coordination Hours Needed
Solving your key challenges
With soaring costs of readmissions, greater focus on value-based care, and intense competition, it has never been more important to ensure your patients are well prepared pre-procedure and are looked after post procedure. Florence delivers better clinical outcomes and a better patient experience at lower total cost.
Expensive Readmissions
Smart Monitoring Post Discharge
Staff Shortages
Intelligent Automation
Complications & Poor Experience
Better Prepared Patients
Where we can help you
Florence has a long track record of effective, yet simple-to-implement, management of patients pre and post procedure. We started over 10 years ago in cardio surgery and we have now managed over 50,00 patients across all major procedures.

- Surgical and procedural prep
- Medicine management; pre and post
- Clinical readings pre or post
- Discharge instruction and care
- Logistics support (rescheduling, travel, etc)
Speak to our Clinical Engagement Expert
Eric Bender is available to discuss how Florence works or provide you with a demo.
Staff Shortages: Automation of Clinical Care the Only Option
Unless you believe demand for healthcare will fall or nurses will stop retiring, there is no other option. Yes, you can automate back-office functions. Yes,
Smart With Your Heart improves patient outcomes using Florence
At Generated Health, we recently had the privilege of hosting a discussion featuring Dr. Jonathan Serjeant, Chief Medical Officer at Generated Health, and Sean Davies,
97% say “I found Florence easy to use”
Our patient Net Promoter Score (NPS) is currently running at 73%. Bain & Co, the inventors of NPS says that “an NPS score above 0 is