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Maternity Pathway


Educate, Support & Motivate New and Expecting Individuals with our Maternity Pathway

The Digital Maternity Package is a collection of evidence based best practice protocols to detect and manage:

Gestational Hypertension (GH)

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Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM)

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Infant Feeding

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City Hospitals Sunderland Foundation Trust (CHSFT) in the United Kingdom was one of the first sites to use Florence and since then the spread and adoption, due to best practice sharing through our community, has expanded to Sandwell & West Birmingham Hospital, Dudley and Great Western Hospitals. Working together for over three years, we have learnt what makes a difference to pregnant people.


said that Florence helped them become more aware of their baby’s movements


felt that Florence’s messages helped them attend their appointments


confirmed that they would recommend Florence to others in the same circumstances

Gestational Hypertension (GH)

Gestational hypertension (GH) affects about 6-8% of pregnant people and can lead to serious consequences such as pre-eclampsia, intrauterine growth restriction, placental abruption and intrauterine fetal death. GH is managed in a number of ways, including an increase in pre-natal check-ups, which represents a significant workload for maternity staff. ACOG guidance advise at least weekly monitoring of blood pressure for patients diagnosed with GH. Almost 20% of Day Assessment Unit patients present just for BP monitoring.

Great Western Hospitals

Dr Nusrat Fazal, Consultant Obstetrician at Great Western Hospitals has been using Florence since 2018 and has seen excellent multi-disciplinary staff engagement within the maternity unit and joint stakeholder working.


Face-to-face BP monitoring
appointments replaced (10%)


Saved per year


Would recommend Florence

City Hospitals Sunderland Foundation Trust (CHSFT)

Mr Kim Hinshaw, Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at City Hospitals Sunderland (NHS Innovation Awards – Finalists 2013 and ehealth insider finalists – 2014) found equally astonishing results:

Saves $49,000

Florence also reduced Day unit attendance – potential saving £180 per visit x 100 patients x2 visits saved

Saves $16,000

Florence replaced a lot of Community Midwife visits – £60 per home visit (usually x2 visits per week) x 100 patients for 1 week

“Florence enables pregnant women to self-monitor their blood pressure at home, which means less appointments for them at the hospital or with the community midwives. Using Florence saves with childcare, car parking costs, taking time off work. And everyone likes using their phone even if isn’t for Facebook!”

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM)

Florence is used to enable safe monitoring of maternal blood glucose levels at home for individuals with GDM. Once consented, patients are prompted twice daily to take and send their blood glucose readings to Florence. When two high results are recorded, patients are then prompted to make contact via phone with their Diabetes Specialist Midwife or Nurse and discuss their results and determine what changes can be made or whether treatment is necessary. The Health Care Professional also receives an email notification of the result, allowing them to then contact the patient at this critical point.

Florence is empowering pregnant people, providing them with support to become more involved and engaged with their condition. By utilizing accessible communication, Florence is breaking down common barriers to communication, particularly with patients for whom English is not their first language.

Saves $325

Over a 20 week period based on a single visit cost of $108 per patient

4 to 1

Reduction in appointments when monitoring and managing GDM

Breast Feeding Support

The evidence is well established for the benefits to parent and baby of breastfeeding, with breastfeeding having some of the most wide-reaching and long-lasting effects on a baby’s health and development, more than anything else parents can do for their new-born. Any amount of breastfeeding has a positive effect on parent and baby and the longer breastfeeding continues, the longer the protection lasts and the greater the benefits.

Florence can complement existing strategies aimed at supporting individuals to maintain breastfeeding post discharge from hospital. By offering support advice and guidance, we can increase the patient’s awareness of the benefits of breastfeeding health and empowering the patient to access and adhere to available advice and guidance, improving their self-care around breastfeeding.

Flo sends reassuring and supportive messages scheduled for key points in the early breast-feeding and baby development pathway. Florence has an antenatal program which starts as early as 12 weeks gestation and a postnatal program which lasts for 6 weeks.

Dudley Metropolitan Borough Councils

Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council’s Breastfeeding Support Team have been using the Breastfeeding Support protocol for three years.


Found that Florence helped them to start breastfeeding


Felt that Florence had motivated them to continue to breastfeed


Would recommend Florence to their friends and family

City Hospitals Sunderland Foundation Trust (CHSFT)

Mr Kim Hinshaw, Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at City Hospitals Sunderland has been using Florence for over five years and found that Florence helps motivate parents to continue to breastfeed.


Increase in individuals who felt completely in control of their feeding choices


Of parents would recommend the Florence Breastfeeding Support

“I really appreciated the encouragement that Florence gave and did spur me on to breastfeed for longer.”

Arrange a Demonstration

We will be in touch to demonstrate the value Florence can bring to you, your maternity team and patients.

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Generated Health
Harpswell, Maine 04079 USA

Call: +1 207-747-7408