Automating Hypertension

Florence, the AI Nurse, delivers outstanding population health outcomes, top-tier patient satisfaction, and boosts your care team's productivity.
64% of patients improved from Stage 2 Hypertension to Controlled
Over 90% medication adherence achieved
Collects SDoH to understand barriers
5 - 10x reduction in human time required
Patient Net Promotor Score of 96 - simply loved by patients
Proven Clinical Validation
Florence is proven across multiple languages (English & Spanish), across age ranges (success with patients in their late eighties), and both rural and urban settings.
Here is a recent example from the Lackey Clinic, Yorktown, Virginia, where 64% of Stage 2 patients improved at least a stage to controlled, with an average 17mmHg drop in systolic blood pressure. The overall health of their hypertensive population also improved with a 144% increase in patients showing normal / elevated blood pressure readings.

From Diagnosis to Long-Term Management
Florence automates and can support your patients from diagnosis and medication titration to long-term management using evidence-based protocols at every stage or progression.

Florence is also proven to support other chronic conditions, hospital discharge, and pre and post procedure care.
Patients love Florence. In a study or 3,500 patients, 97% found Florence “easy to use”. Patient engagement is consistently high, and Florence boasts an Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 96, outperforming the top decile in the US (typically around 85).
How Does it Work?
Imagine a trusted nurse having frequent, sometimes daily, conversations via text with your patients to support better blood pressure management? Florence is effective because she can take the time to engage with each individual patient.
Florence reduces the workload by automating all routine management and then only escalates to human colleagues when required. Providers are not standing in a barrage of BP readings, patient queries and issues like broken cuffs.
- Regular reminders for BP readings (frequently for newly diagnosed for those on new medication).
- Celebrator messages for progress ("Great job, your blood pressure is improving!"
- Gentle nudges for accountability ("I haven't received your BP readings yet - can you send it over?")
- Tracks medication adherence, addresses SDoH and offers personalized lifestyle guidance.
- Answers questions and provides sign-posting to resources
Drives Team Productivity Gains
Through end to end intelligent automation, full integration with clinical systems and ability to conduct bulk actions, Florence is proven to save significant clinical time in every setting. Florence enables customers to reduce the cost of care management as well as multiply their capacity to handle many more patients resulting in productivity gains of 5-10 times.
Depending on your delivery model. Here are some examples:
- Lackey Clinic, "It is really the 'autopilot'...a level of automation that makes the clinical team confident."
- Indian Health Center, 300 patients bulk uploaded to kick-start HTN program
- BLMK ICB, admin savings of 5-10x through bulk actions
- Mereside Medical Center, 1,000 hours saved in managing HTN program.
- Tunstall Primary Care Center - three face to face appointments per hypertensive patient saved .
Proven to Engage and Drive Self-Management
A study published in BMJ Open demonstrates that patients managed with Florence achieved greater systolic blood pressure reductions and maintained these improvements, unlike the control group, which experienced significant rebounds after intervention.

PLOS Medicine Journal: Integrating Florence into Clinical Workflow at Scale
Telemonitoring at scale for hypertension in primary care: An implementation study
Uncontrolled hypertension is the largest manageable cause of stroke and myocardial infarction. Despite the effectiveness of anti-hypertensive medication, many patients still have uncontrolled blood pressure (BP).
Having previously demonstrated that Florence encourages medication use and is effective at lowering BP in this cohort, NHS Lothian’s award winning Scale-Up BP Team led by Professor Brian McKinstry expanded their scope to understand if integrating Florence directly into the clinical workflow would increase adoption even further, what impact this would have on clinician workload, and if study participant changes in BP would match those of randomised controlled trials (RCTs).
NHS Lothian subsequently developed an integrated system providing regular summaries of patient home-monitored BP readings via Florence to routine GP data management systems accessed by their general practitioner. Patient home-readings were delivered alongside routine laboratory results for clinical review.
The number of participating practices grew steadily following the launch, and by July 2019 75 practices had participated and recruitment reached 3,200 patients with established hypertension. Expected challenges to the adoption of new technology were mitigated well by the project team by engaging frontline clinicians in development of Florence’s use, activating local champions, and strong continuous support from a facilitator team. The success of practices who recruited large numbers of patients acted as a stimulus for other practices to follow; patients liked Florence and there was a low rate of discontinuation. Previous studies have been in the context of RCTs with practices contributing relatively small numbers of patients that are relatively easy to manage however within this study some practices were recruiting hundreds of patients.
The evaluation subgroup of 8 practices (905 patients) demonstrated clinical value in that BP fell in the intervention group:
a mean systolic BP reduction of 6.55 mm Hga mean diastolic BP by 4.23 mm Hg
Along with Florence’s uptake, change in BP and participants’ views, a key objective of the study was to understand the impact on changes in clinician appointment use. Compared with the previous year, the study demonstrated that there was no increase in practice workload, specifically:
participating patients made 19% fewer face-to-face appointments, compared with 11% fewer in patients with hypertension who were not supported by consultation time for participants fell by 15.4 minutes, compared with 5.5 minutes in patients not supported by Florence. The paper states;
” There have been no direct trials to our knowledge exploring the impact of telemonitoring on cardiovascular outcomes, but based on previous studies of anti-hypertensive agents, BP reductions of the magnitude achieved in this study, probably through intensification of anti-hypertensive therapy, if sustained, would be expected to lead to a greater than 15% reduction in risk of stroke and a greater than 10% reduction in risk of coronary heart disease ”
The paper concludes that based on these detailed findings, that Scale-up BP is ready for routine use across NHS Scotland and possibly also other parts of the UK. To read more about this, the paper can be accessed here
Video Spotlight
Hear directly from patients and clinicians about their experiences with Florence.