- 64% reduction in number of patients with Stage 2 hypertension, 17 mmHg drop in systolic BP
- 25% of patients with Stage 1 hypertension brought to normal / elevated state
- 95.7 patient Net Promoter Score

Key to hypertension management success being achieved at Lackey Clinic, Yorktown, VA, is the strong partnership between clinical staff, patients and Florence, the AI nurse automating care management via text. Thanks to Florence engaging patients and gathering more blood pressure (BP) readings more consistently than previously possible, appointments are significantly more productive for both patient and clinician resulting in 64% of Stage 2 hypertensive patients controlling their blood pressure to improve at least a stage.
The average reduction in systolic blood pressure achieved by patients initially diagnosed with Stage 2 hypertension is 17mmHg with a similarly impressive reduction in diastolic blood pressure of 9mmHg.
Overall, Lackey Clinic’s hypertensive population health has improved with a 144% increase in the number of patients reporting blood pressure in the normal or elevated range.
85% response rate to BP reading requests
The team at Lackey Clinic have enrolled increasing numbers of patients onto one of Florence’s English or Spanish hypertension protocols and previously disengaged patients are responding actively to Florence’s combination of reading requests, medication adherence checks and educational nudges.
Engagement is strong across both Spanish and English speaking cohorts, with Florence achieving an 85% response rate to the twice-weekly blood pressure reading requests, giving clinicians a much needed clearer picture of their patients’ health, improving communication and enabling more productive appointments.
“Now because the data is already reported to us, I can have a targeted conversation about how are you doing? How are your numbers? Do you need a medication change versus a conversation about just getting you to have some data and information available for me.” Seema Naik, Head of Connected Care, Lackey Clinic
It is also demonstrating patients’ increased awareness in the importance of them monitoring their blood pressure levels and their motivation to better adhere to their treatment plans and medication, and even make lifestyle modifications.
“Florence would send me tips and recommendations on what foods to eat, it’s nice getting that daily text, so today I’m going to try and implement that into my diet.” Patient
Sustained patient engagement achieves even better BP improvement
Patient engagement was strong across both the Spanish and English speaking cohorts, and while the English speaking cohort showed slightly higher overall engagement at 60%, patients active on the Spanish speaking protocol showed particularly sustained engagement with Florence.
Those patients active on Florence for longer also achieved the most improved blood pressure readings, with the best results achieved by patients submitting readings for an average of 21 weeks.
According to Jennifer Miller, Director of Customer Success at Generated Health, “It’s the winning combination of dedicated staff going that extra mile for their patients while Florence keeps patients engaged and more understanding of their condition.”
100% of patients initially diagnosed with Stage 2 hypertension who submitted readings through 24 weeks improved at least one stage as illustrated below.
For the total cohort, the highest average systolic blood pressure reduction was achieved at three months.

Outstanding patient satisfaction with an integral member of a dedicated team.
“I have seen nothing but care from the staff at Lackey so if they are recommending that you use Florence, absolutely I would give it a try…you won’t regret it…and if anything you have someone texting you every day.” Lackey patient
Patients completing the Florence protocol gave Florence a Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 95.7 (anything above a 70 in healthcare is regarded as outstanding) further demonstrating that sustained patient engagement and high patient satisfaction goes hand in hand.
Patients appreciated the guidance, reassurance and access to their healthcare team Florence provided, helping them see a more accurate picture of the effects of uncontrolled blood pressure and nudging them towards more positive and achievable lifestyle choices in a manner that saved both them and their clinicians valuable time.
“I think all of those smaller touches combined with the bigger picture of how we envision Florence helping us is what makes it successful.” Seema Naik, RN, Lackey Clinic
For details on how Florence can deliver hypertension management success for your team.
Eric Bender ebender@generatedhealth.com
John Griffiths john.griffiths@generatedhealth.com
Kylie Dentith kylie.dentith@generatedhealth.com