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      Our integrated care pathways deliver lasting change, meaningful outcomes, and cost savings to our partners.

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      Clinical evidence and case studies show the value Florence provides to our partners.

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      Florence delivers precise, psychology-based, intelligent health messaging.

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The intelligence powering Florence


A clinically approved intervention that encompasses a Florence protocol, shared management plan and any other appropriate patient materials which is overseen by the patient’s clinician. For example, Hypertension, Mental Health and Diabetes.


A collection of scheduled templates in Florence that ensure patients receive information and reading requests and can respond as required when asked to send in a reading. For example, BP monitoring, Mental Health motivators and medication reminders.


A set of instructions contained within a Protocol. This is what drives the messages and specifies how a patient should respond. For example, a request for readings or a response, or a suite of information and advice, as well as being able to spot trends. A Protocol can consist of many templates.

Start building your pathways today

Florence gives clinicians the best of both worlds:

  • Tried and tested pathways can be taken ‘off-the-shelf’ and configured for local needs or specific patient cohorts
  • NEW pathways can easily be deployed in 30 minutes!

1. Agree a patient cohort

2. Florence proposes a draft protocol

3. Local changes discussed/agreed with clinicians

4. Final protocol agreed

5. Training

6. Go Live

Example pathways and protocols within Florence for over 100 clinical areas


Supporting patients to adhere to prescribed medication and follow the guidance agreed with their clinician, should their asthma symptoms exacerbate.

Within Acute Care:

  • Extends the reach of clinicians beyond hospital clinics
  • Daily peak flow readings personalised to patients best reading, to facilitate earlier patient action around exacerbations

Within Community Care:

  • Reduces the reliance on district nurse visits
  • Simple, timely medication reminders help to facilitate better adherence from patients

Within General Practice Care:

  • Allows clinicians to facilitate better prescribing
  • Simple inhaler reminders

Motivating patients to include exercises recommended by their healthcare team and to establish new behaviours for a more active lifestyle.

Within Acute Care:

  • Builds confidence
  • Motivates patients to continue with prescribed exercise safely following hospital discharge

Within Community Care:

  • Supports and tracks the patient adherence to their prescribed exercise

Within General Practice Care:

  • Encourages patients to improve their levels of physical activity which will improve their overall health and wellbeing
Heart Failure

Enabling patients to track trends in their weight and vitals to support early intervention at the first signs of exacerbation.

Within Acute Care:

  • Supports early discharge with self-reported symptom and vital signs

Within Community and General Practice Care:

  • Tracks trends in rapid gains to support early identification intervention, by allowing the patient to self-report weight and vital readings.

Supporting clinical decision making in hypertension diagnosis, titration of medication and regular review of stable hypertension patients.

Within Acute Care:

  • Reduces the number of cancelled operations due to white coat hypertension
  • Supporting pre-admission BP assessments with patients from their home environment.

Within Community Care:

  • Identifies patients at risk of hypertension through community delivered health check schemes

Within General Practice Care:

  • Supports diagnosis through twice daily BP readings from home, medication titration for newly diagnosed patients and long-term monitoring of stable hypertension.

Educating, supporting, and motivating new mums with infant feeding throughout pregnancy, from 12 weeks to early infancy.

Within Acute Care:

  • Sends supportive messages to promote longer and more successful breastfeeding

Within Community Care:

  • Use pre and postnatal education signposting and advice for expectant and new mothers about breast feeding with amended advice should mothers chose to switch to bottle feeding.
Medication Reminders

Supporting community practitioners to improve patient engagement with their health and track emerging symptoms to optimise clinical time and release capacity to support those patients most in need.

Within Acute Care:

  • Sends reminders to patients to take their medication at specified times of the day
  • Includes educational messages
Mental Health

Engaging service users with friendly non-judgemental support to encourage attendance to therapies, compliance to prescribed medication, to enable faster recovery and prevent/recognise early warning signs of relapse.

Within Community Care:

  • Supports the identification of early warning signs of relapse
  • Motivating service users to engage with self-directed online CBT programmes, facilitate therapy sessions and encourage compliance with prescribed medications

Within General Practice Care:

  • Comprises of low-level interventions to support patients who have presented to GPs with depression/anxiety during the intervening period between initial appointment and subsequent assessment/referral to mental health services.
Pain Management

Specialist service/clinic protocols to support patients who have a distance pain management plan for general practice.

Within Acute Care:

  • Supports patients with management of their pain at home once discharged from hospital, so they continue to use techniques to support their recovery

Within Community Care:

  • Supports and motivates patients to integrate techniques acquired from support groups into their self-care routine.

Motivates and reassures patients in completing prescribed exercises to facilitate faster and better outcomes post treatment/injury such as falls.

Smoking Cessation

For patients who have decided to stop smoking and would like some additional support to do so.

Within Community and General Practice Care, the smoking cessation pathway comprises of educational protocols to support patients who are looking to stop smoking including lifestyle and habit-forming messages.

Fast and fully supported implementation

For over 10 years, our dedicated and highly skilled Florence service team have supported more than 100 successful Florence implementations both in the NHS and internationally. Many of the team have a healthcare background and so understand the particular challenges teams can encounter both in service redesign and embedding new practices in a healthcare setting.

Once you have received your log in details to the Florence platform you are good to go and our team is available to support a safe and robust implementation process, including protocol deployment, which takes less than 30 minutes, and training the clinicians. Once trained, it can take as little as 2-3 minutes to set up an individual patient.

Florence also has the power to allow patients to ‘Self-Subscribe’, meaning patients can text a word to Florence, and she will assist the patient to enrol onto the corresponding protocol.

Support from Florence, however, does not end with implementation. The team continues to work closely with the established users to embed sustainable spread and adoption of successful pathways and protocols locally, and facilitate clinical users and teams to publish and share their outcomes both with other members of the Florence Community of Practice and beyond.

Security and compliance is our DNA

Florence has been developed to ensure security of patient data and full compliance with all relevant regulation

  • We have a comprehensive IG-Security pack that we share with customers to ensure smooth implementation
  • We follow and adhere to NHS DTAC (including NHS DSPT, CE, DCB0129 and Medical Device Class 1 reg)
  • ISO 27001 certified
  • Compliance with Data Protection regulation

Arrange a Demonstration

We'll be in touch to demonstrate the value that Florence can bring you, your team, and your patients

Florence Community

Florence has a vibrant and active Community of Practice where users freely share their examples of use for the benefit of the patients. As a result, Florence has an extensive library of tried and tested evidence-based protocols which the team share both individually with their organisations and/or by hosting events, online product training and skills coaching, and clinical interest focus groups.

As a healthcare professional (once you have become a member of Florence), you will automatically become part of our Florence Community and you will have access to members only content through our Florence.Community website.

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Contact Us

Generated Health
Harpswell, Maine 04079 USA

Call: +1 207-747-7408