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      Our integrated care pathways deliver lasting change, meaningful outcomes, and cost savings to our partners.

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      Proven to deliver better clinical outcomes and free up time and resources for your healthcare team

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      Clinical evidence and case studies show the value Florence provides to our partners.

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      Florence delivers precise, psychology-based, intelligent health messaging.

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Three patients who love Florence and her human touch

Three patients describe how they interact with Florence and how Florence provides support with a human touch.
1. Josh, who is diabetic, is managing his condition much better resulting in a significant drop in hospitalisations (from 48 instances to 12 in one year!)
2. A former shipyard worker with asbestosis and a lung capacity of 40%, is reporting his weight, blood pressure and oxygen daily to Florence who is providing the patient and his care team with support and data.
3. A mother with a newborn baby explains how Florence helped her with education and support for successful breastfeeding.

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Contact Us

Generated Health
Harpswell, Maine 04079 USA

Call: +1 207-747-7408