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    • Who we serve

      Our integrated care pathways deliver lasting change, meaningful outcomes, and cost savings to our partners.

    • Pathways & Programs

      Proven to deliver better clinical outcomes and free up time and resources for your healthcare team

    • Evidence & Insight

      Clinical evidence and case studies show the value Florence provides to our partners.

    • About Us

      Florence delivers precise, psychology-based, intelligent health messaging.

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Simple for patients and healthcare team, no installation, no app

“So simple to use for patient and staff, “ is why Lead Heart Failure Nurse thinks Florence is different and more effective than other solutions.
With SMS-text we can reach patients of all ages. It is not intrusive – the is no app to download, no Bluetooth connection, and no disruption to patients or the healthcare team.

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Case Study Packs

Contact Us

Generated Health
Harpswell, Maine 04079 USA

Call: +1 207-747-7408