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How to manage Patients inside Florence


Patient Management Screen

The Patient Management screen allows us to see all our patients, and filter those who need our attention.


You can use the “Advanced Filters” button to be even more granular with your patient list:

advanced filters

You can use Advanced Filters to find patients who are “Not opted in yet, protocol queued” and use our “Bulk Actions” tool to Reinvite patients.

Bulk Actions

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Florence’s patient bulk actions allow you to apply actions to multiple patients, using the filters available in the patient management page.

The bulk actions:

  • Reinvite patients – you are now able to select a group of pending patients and reinvite them to opt in to Florence. The invite message is editable at this point.
  • Discharge patients – using the filters available to view patients that have a finished protocol will support you with discharging multiple patients at once.  
  • Assign Protocol  – Where patients are required to be assigned to another protocol; either the same protocol again or a new one you are able to select multiple patients add assign them to the same protocol.
  • Unassign from protocol – Where patients are not required to be assigned to a protocol you are able to unassign multiple patients from the protocol
  • Message patients – Sometimes you may need to send a one off text message to patients, you can select multiple patients and send them the same free text. The free texts should not include any questions or any words that may prompt the patient to reply as this is a one off message as Flo will not understand why the patient is replying.
  • Download patients – you can download the multiple patients details from Florence to match against any clinical systems.

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