Success in Northern Ireland with Florence – Health and Social Care
Florence (Flo) has now been successfully introduced to Health and Social Care staff around Northern Ireland, to support them with their free NHS 12-week weight management programme app, which was developed by the Public Health Agency (PHA) and Public Health Dietitians Group.
Our weight management pathway within Florence will give staff the opportunity to change their behaviour when managing their own health, through motivational interactions via text message.
Penny Hobson, Programme Manager, Centre for Connected Health and Social Care at the PHA, explains the programme in more detail:
“Flo will help staff to manage their own health and wellbeing better by using SMS text messages to and from their mobile phone. Participants will receive motivational and support messages, reminders to submit health information such as weight and blood pressure and will get advice on their health.”
Click here to see the PHAs own press release of the launch of Florence.
The self-subscribing programme was launched in September 2021 and has now reached over 1900 participants.
“We want to enable staff to make
healthier choices”
Collette Brolly (Joint Lead Obesity Prevention at the PHA)”
About Florence
Florence was developed by a team at NHS Stoke on Trent (now Stoke Clinical Commissioning Group) in 2009.
Florence is beautifully simple for patients with all interactions via text messaging. The reason Florence appears so simple is down to the intelligent use of algorithms and empathetic way she interacts, each ‘conversation’ is tailored to that patient.
The Florence persona-based approach has been developed and refined through over 100 independent clinical studies and is proven to change patient behaviour and to increase adherence.
Florence comes with a library of over 100 pathways already available covering a wide range of clinical specialties, all co-developed, tried & tested by our Florence Community (Community of Practice).
These pathways can be easily tailored to a service or patient cohort, alternatively you can easily build your own pathways using our intelligent drag and drop platform.
Since 2010, Florence has had more than 20 million people interactions in over 86 health and social care organisations in the UK and continues to grow.