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      Our integrated care pathways deliver lasting change, meaningful outcomes, and cost savings to our partners.

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      Proven to deliver better clinical outcomes and free up time and resources for your healthcare team

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      Florence delivers precise, psychology-based, intelligent health messaging.

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Florence Awarded Platinum Winner for Best Independent Living Solution at the Digital Health Innovation Awards


We are delighted to announce that Florence has been awarded Platinum Winner for Best Independent Living Solution at the Digital Health Innovation Awards 2022

Florence has been recognised as the best independent living solution at this year’s Future Digital Awards presented by Juniper Research.

Future Digital Awards | Digital Health Innovation (juniperresearch.com)

The awards recognise organisations that have made outstanding contributions to their industry and are positioned to make a significant impact in the future.

This is a fantastic achievement for everyone.

We are really excited about what the future holds and keep an eye out on more exciting news we will be sharing with you over the next few weeks!!

To find out more about how we can support you and your patients, visit our website www.getflorence.net


Florence is used by the full NHS Ecosystem and humanises clinically validated protocols and delivers precise, psychology-based, two-way health messaging that engages patients continuously to change their behaviours and create better, sustained outcomes.

Quickly targeting the patient at home, she interacts by familiar and friendly conversational SMS text messages to the patient’s mobile phone to motivate and gather patient reported readings, and subjective feedback, allowing the multi-disciplinary healthcare team to quickly flag those individuals who require additional support.

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Contact Us

Generated Health
Harpswell, Maine 04079 USA

Call: +1 207-747-7408