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How to manage Patients inside Florence


Understanding the Florence Patient Record


The graphs tab inside a patient record can provide you with a visual overview of their responses for selected services alongside a summary. 


You can click on the name of a graph to view the detail behind it. 


Sending patient readings to the EPR

  1. From within the “Graphs” page of a patient record, use the date filters and checkboxes to choose which readings should be calculated on the left hand table
  2. Once you have checked the data in the right hand table you can click “Export to EPR”.
  3. A pop up box will appear where you can add a free text note to go alongside the SNOMED coded entry onto the patient journal


The “History” tab inside the patient record shows a detailed breakdown of each response, including any times the patient hasn’t sent a response within the reading window (missed).    

  • You can see the date and time that the entry was logged.  
  • The name of the template that the response or missed response is linked to.  
  • The “Data” is the part of the response that matches a segment e.g. if the patient sent “Mood happy”, the data column would record “Happy”, or if they sent “Blood glucose 7.4”, the data column would record “7.4” 
  • The “Level” is the level of the segment associated with the response.  
  • The “Notification type” column will record if there was a notification generated by this response and if so, the type of notification.  
  • The “Protocol” column is the name of the protocol that this template belongs to.  
  • The “Service” is the name of the service used for this template. 
  • The “Within timeframe” column refers to whether the response from the patient was sent within the reading window.  You will see 3 different entries:  
  • ‘Inside timeframe’ – this response was sent inside the reading window timeframe. 
  • ‘Missed’ – the  patients didn’t respond to this prompt within the reading window timeframe. 
  • ‘Outside timeframe’ – this reading has been sent outside of the reading window time.  
  • The “Message” column records the entire message content that the patient sent. 
  • This information is available to download. 


You can view the exact interactions between a patient and Florence by going to the “Messages” tab inside the patient’s record. 


The grey messages are those sent by Florence, and the blue messages are those received from your patient.

Personalising Protocols

It is possible to adjust the parameters for individual patients around when Notifications are triggered and what messages patients receive in those circumstances.

  1. Open a patient record
  2. Click “Protocols”
  3. Find the Protocol which needs adjusting and click “Manage”
  4. Choose the Template which needs adjusting and click “Edit”
  5. From within this screen you can change the timing of messages, the parameters of different notifications and the messages sent in each circumstance
  6. Once you have finished making changes, scroll to the very bottom of the page and click “Submit”

Editing a patient’s details

  1. Open a patient record
  2. Click “Edit” on the far right hand side
  3. You can edit patient details such as name, telephone number etc

Sending the patient a direct message

  1. Open a patient record
  2. Click “Send direct message” on the far right hand side
  3. Enter the message into the pop up box and click “Send”
  4. Please note – These messages should be used as one-way only, and patients should not respond to them, as Florence will not recognise the content.

Discharging a patient

  1. If a patient replies STOP or the protocol ends, they should be discharged from the patient list.
  2. Open a patient record
  3. Click “Edit” on the far right hand side
  4. Click “Discharge”
  5. Decide to send the discharge notification message to the patient or not

Transferring a Patient

If you need another clinician within your team to take over care of your patient, you can transfer them from the “edit patient” form by clicking the transfer button. You’ll then be asked who you want to transfer your patient from and to. Simply choose from the drop down list and then click “Transfer”.


Mark a Patient as Deceased

If a patient passes away and you want to ensure that they will receive no further messages from Flo, you can mark them as deceased from the “edit patient” form by clicking the “Mark as Deceased” button.


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